meet the horses

Meet Swifty

Swifty is a 19 year old pure- bred Arabian horse, only 14hh.

Sarah has owned him for 11 years and they have travelled many miles together and been on many adventures. They have a very strong bond together which was developed through Sarah’s devotion to natural horsemanship practices and her deep love for her beautiful Arabian.

Swifty was a very challenging and traumatized horse when she first got him so he taught her volumes about love, trust, respecting his needs and slowing down.

He values his own safety so he can appear to be quite aloof but when he connects with clients he shares his trust , love and connection with other beings very deeply.

Meet Blaze

Blaze is a three year old pure -bred Arabian horse, approximately 15hh.

Sarah has owned him for a year now and is gradually taming and training him.

He also joins Sarah and Swifty on their trail rides, being led alongside, so he has seen quite a bit of the world around him already.

Blaze is inquisitive, brave and loves people. He especially loves to explore everything around him with his lips. He’s like a big toddler and into everything!

He loves to connect with clients with his friendly and enquiring personality.

Meet Bucky

Bucky is a 6 year old Registered Miniature Horse and is the newest member of Heard by the Herd.

Despite his miniature stature he is all horse when it comes to keeping his bigger herd members in line. 

He loves to play and canter around with the other horses and can cheekily assert his boundaries if the bigger horses get in his way or play too rough. He is also a very soft and gentle character and loves you to meet him on his level in a calm and loving way.

Connect with us


Speewah QLD


0419 222 443

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"If life is just one big series of experiences, then we cannot get it ' right' or ' wrong' , we can only live and learn."

Meg Kirby ( founder of the Equine Psychotherapy Institute)